Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

Course Content

Types of Joints

Video 27 of 190
1 min 10 sec
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Types of Joints in the Human Body

1. Introduction to Joints

Definition: Joints are connections between two or more bones.

2. Classification of Joints

Fibrous Joints: Immovable joints with interlocking bones, e.g., skull plates.

Cartilaginous Joints: Slightly movable joints held together by ligaments, e.g., vertebrae.

Synovial Joints: Freely movable joints with bone ends covered in hyaline cartilage, stabilized by ligaments and surrounded by a fibrous capsule.

2.1 Subgroups of Synovial Joints

Gliding Joints

Pivot Joints

Saddle Joints

Ball and Socket Joints

Ellipsoid Joints

Hinge Joints

3. Joint Injuries

Types of Injuries: Joints can be damaged or fractured, and soft tissue can experience strains and sprains, resulting in pain and inflammation.