Taking the Rectal Temperature
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Pet First Aid: Monitoring Temperature and Pulse
Importance of Monitoring Temperature
Temperature is a crucial vital sign for assessing the health of animals during emergencies.
Methods of Taking Temperature
Rectal temperature measurement is preferred due to its reliability and ease of use.
- Rectal Thermometer: Use a digital thermometer with a lubricated bulb for accurate readings.
- Proper Technique: Ensure the thermometer bulb is in contact with the rectal wall, not faecal matter.
- Temperature Range: Normal temperature for dogs and cats ranges from 37.5°C to just over 39°C.
Monitoring Pulse Rate
Pulse rate varies among different animal species and breeds.
- Dogs: Normal pulse rate is between 80 to 120 beats per minute (bpm) for large dogs, and higher (up to 140 to 160 bpm) for smaller breeds and puppies.
- Cats: Normal pulse rate ranges from 100 to 160 bpm.
Understanding and monitoring these vital signs can provide critical information for assessing the health status of your pet.
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