Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

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Dog Fractures Treatment

Video 97 of 190
3 min 6 sec
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Bone Fractures in Pets

Understanding Fractures

The medical term for a bone break is a fracture. Fractures can occur due to various causes:

  • Direct impact
  • Crushing
  • Bending
  • Bullet wounds
  • And many other factors

Types of Fractures

Identifying and dealing with fractures:

  • Greenstick Fracture: One side of the bone is fractured while the other side remains intact or bent. Seek veterinary help and use caution if you suspect this type.
  • General Guidelines:
  • Monitor and treat for shock
  • If the skin is broken, control bleeding
  • Seek immediate veterinary assistance
  • Only splint if advised by your vet
  • Note: An x-ray is needed to confirm a Greenstick Fracture.

Dealing with Fractures

Steps to take when dealing with a possible fracture:

  • Seek immediate veterinary assistance, and follow their guidance.
  • Minimize movement to prevent further harm.
  • Control bleeding if necessary.
  • Monitor for signs of shock.
  • Handle the limb with care, minimizing contact.
  • Provide support to the limb while considering the pet's pain.
  • Be cautious of aggression and biting; using a muzzle may be necessary.
  • Consider the best approach to restrict movement, but only splint as advised by your vet.

The vet will determine the best treatment course, which may include casting the limb. Keep in mind that younger animals tend to heal more quickly than older ones, so treatment may vary based on the pet's age.