Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

Course Content

Gum Colour

Video 43 of 190
1 min 22 sec
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Gum Colour: A Vital Indicator of Pet Health

1. Introduction

Exploring the importance of gum colour as a crucial indicator of your pet's well-being.

2. Assessing Gum Colour

When it comes to pets, assessing their gum colour is akin to checking skin pallor or capillary refill in humans. However, due to their furry coats, we rely on gum examination. Let's break it down:

  • Inspecting Gums: Peel back your pet's lips to reveal their gum colour.
  • Normal Colour: Healthy gums display a vibrant pinky-red hue, indicating good circulation.
  • Tongue Examination: Open your pet's mouth slightly to examine the tongue, which should match the gum's colour.
  • Documenting Normalcy: Consider taking a photo of your pet's gums and tongue when they are healthy for future reference.

3. Warning Signs

Recognize these colour changes as potential indicators of health issues:

  • Pale Gums: Very pale gums may suggest circulatory problems or the onset of shock.
  • Darkening Colour: A brownish hue could point to toxin exposure.
  • Bright Redness: Exceptionally bright red gums may signal exposure to certain toxins like carbon monoxide.

4. Conclusion

Gum colour assessment is a valuable tool to gauge your pet's health. Regular checks can help identify potential problems early and prompt timely intervention.