Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

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9 min 17 sec
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Pet CPR: Identifying and Responding to Breathing Problems

1. Problem Identification

Assess the Situation: Begin by determining if your pet is breathing and if a heartbeat is detectable.

  • Cause Investigation: Understand the potential cause, whether it's drowning, electrocution, or another evident reason.
  • Stay Calm: Avoid panic to think and act clearly.

2. Assessing Breathing and Airway

Checking Breathing: Verify your pet's breathing status and airway condition.

  • Open the Airway: Gently tilt the head back to ensure the airway remains open.
  • Monitoring Signs: Observe for circulation and breathing signs, including chest movement.
  • Count for 10 Seconds: Count aloud while observing for 10 seconds.
  • Detection of Breathing: If breathing is detected, transport your pet to the vet while continuously monitoring their breathing.
  • No Breathing: If no breathing is observed, you'll need to initiate CPR, often due to respiratory issues.

3. Performing CPR

Commencing CPR: Begin CPR if there are no signs of breathing.

  • Airway Management: Position the tongue to the side, or use a gauze pad for cats, to keep the airway open.
  • Rescue Breaths: Seal your mouth over the pet's nose, provide a gentle breath for up to a second, and watch for chest movement.
  • Monitor Response: If your pet starts breathing, moving, or making sounds, stop immediately.
  • Pulse Check: If there's no pulse, move on to chest compressions.
  • Effective Compressions: Lay dogs on their right side for more efficient compressions.
  • Proper Technique: Place your hand in the center of the chest or use both hands for large dogs, interlocking fingers.
  • Compression and Breathing Ratio: Administer 30 compressions followed by two breaths, repeating this cycle.
  • Continuous Monitoring: If any signs of breathing appear, stop CPR and transport your pet while monitoring closely.
  • Extended CPR Consideration: After 10 minutes with no signs of life, it's essential to evaluate whether to continue; generally, after 20 minutes, resuscitation becomes unlikely.
  • Success Factors: Keep in mind that successful resuscitation depends on various factors, such as your pet's age and the cause of the breathing cessation.