Pet First Aid Instructor Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

190 videos, 8 hours and 59 minutes

Course Content

How Dogs Show Pain

Video 45 of 190
2 min 24 sec
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Recognizing Signs of Pain in Your Pet: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Introduction

Animals can't verbalize their discomfort, so it's crucial to be vigilant and notice signs that indicate your pet may be in pain.

2. Understanding Pet Behavior

Recognize that different pets may exhibit varied responses to pain. Knowing your pet's typical behavior is key to identifying issues:

  • Change in Activity Level: A sudden decrease in activity may signal pain.
  • Growling When Touched: If your pet reacts aggressively when touched, it could indicate discomfort.
  • Restlessness: Unusual restlessness or discomfort may be a sign of pain.
  • Panting: Increased panting, especially when not related to temperature, could be indicative of pain.
  • Withdrawal: Moving away or avoiding interaction when you approach may be a response to pain.
  • Behavioural Changes: Watch for actions that are out of character for your pet.
  • Eye Contact: Even the way they look at you may change if they are in pain.
  • Aggression: Unprovoked aggression can be a response to pain.
  • Avoiding Interaction: If your pet is avoiding contact or interaction, consider it as a potential sign.
  • Limping or Discomfort: Observe if your pet is limping or moving with obvious discomfort.

3. Identifying the Source

Consider the circumstances surrounding a potential injury:

  • Event Evaluation: Reflect on how an injury might have occurred, as this can aid in pinpointing the issue.

4. Gentle Examination

When checking your pet for signs of pain, proceed with caution:

  • Be Gentle: Touch your pet gently during the examination to avoid causing further distress.
  • Use Caution: Pets in pain may react defensively, so be prepared for potential reactions like snapping or biting.
  • Two-Person Approach: It's often safer to have two people present—one to comfort and control the pet's head while the other examines for injuries or sources of pain.

5. Seeking Veterinary Assistance

Contact your vet for guidance and take appropriate action if necessary:

  • Veterinary Consultation: Reach out to your vet for advice on addressing your pet's pain.
  • Professional Assessment: Seek veterinary assistance whenever illness is suspected of causing pain.